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Exempt Zones
RichieC - 14/11/05 at 12:32 AM

Hi all,

Ive had a search for this and it seems a bit hit and miss.

Does anyone know the actual regulation regarding projections and the exempt zone around the steering wheel?

Do restrictions only apply to items pointing towards the driver ie would toggle switches on the tunnel for instance be free from restriction.

Thanks for any advice, I would be good if there was maybe a diagram or photo with shaded areas to show whats what.



Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 02:28 AM

Exempt zone around steering wheel, yes.
On the tunnel, NO, NO, NO.
Invest in a copy of the manual. It is well worth the £30 for the hassle it saves.

John Watts - 14/11/05 at 03:44 PM

Or even better value here


RichieC - 14/11/05 at 04:05 PM

Got one on the way, does anyone know what size this zone equates too then?

Is it purely the area "masked" by the wheel or does it extend beyond?

How come the tranny tunnel (sounds like somewhere you definately dont want to stray down - sorry!) is a no no?


[Edited on 14/11/05 by RichieC]

Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 05:03 PM

The 'exempt areas' within the specified zone are;

1) The area having a boundary produced by the forward horizontal projection of a circle circumscribing the outer limits of the steering wheel increased by a band, width of 127mm and having a lower boundary horizontal to the lower edge of the steering control.

In plain English: A circular area 254mm larger in diameter than your steering wheel, centred on you column, but cut off level with the bottom edge of the steering wheel.

2) The part of the instrument panel betwen the edge of the area specified above and the nearest inner side-wall of the vehicle having a lower boundary horizontal to the lower edge of the steering column.*
(* Should read steering wheel)

In plain English; The dash between the whele and the nearest side of the car, but not lower than the bottom of the steering wheel.

3) The windscreen side pillars.

The tunnel is a no no because the men in grey say so!

Hope this is of use to you.

[Edited on 14/11/05 by Confused but excited.]

RichieC - 14/11/05 at 05:38 PM

So basically a flat bottomed circle of 254mm centred on the column, anything outside which is fair game for them.

Surely though, the size of the steering wheel wouldnt make any difference? Ive heard people say keeping a larger diamter wheel on is beneficial for SVA.


[Edited on 14/11/05 by RichieC]

Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 06:53 PM

No. 127mm outside the steering wheel edge. A circle 254mm larger in diameter than the steering wheel.
The bigger the wheel you fit for SVA purposes, the bigger area on the dash you can mount toggle switches, chrome bezelled clocks and other sharp edged devices.
Fit your 10" wheel after the SVA and m.o.t.

Sorry I cannot send the drawing from the manual. My scanner has gone tits up.

[Edited on 14/11/05 by Confused but excited.]

Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 06:58 PM


I like the 'chucky egg' gear knob.
How well SVA compliant is that then?

RichieC - 14/11/05 at 07:21 PM

lol, not mine, I robbed it from the Mac1 webbie.

OK I think Ive got it now (cheers for bearing with me)

[Edited on 14/11/05 by RichieC]

RichieC - 14/11/05 at 07:29 PM

More like this then? Rescued attachment 2.JPG
Rescued attachment 2.JPG

Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 08:02 PM


Plus all the dash to the right of the steering wheel.

RichieC - 14/11/05 at 08:05 PM

Yup, got that bit too


I just need to confirm the gauges and switches are SVA compliant cos obviously they wont all go in the safe zone.



Confused but excited. - 15/11/05 at 02:24 AM


If you want to e-mail me your snail mail address, I will send you a photo copy of the relevant section of the SVA manual.

No probs.


RichieC - 15/11/05 at 08:09 AM

Hopefully have my own SVA manual within a couple of days, but thanks for the offer.

This was just to give me a head start on some dash bits which came up.

Thanks again


RichieC - 15/11/05 at 12:47 PM

From the manual: Rescued attachment Exempt1.JPG
Rescued attachment Exempt1.JPG

Confused but excited. - 15/11/05 at 07:36 PM

Hi Richie,

See you got one and by lunchtime too!

Glad I could be of some help.

Cheers, John.