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Slippery suspension
ChrisW - 23/7/02 at 05:43 PM

Hi all

All being well I'm hoping to assemble my rear suspension tomorrow. I assume I should be using some kind of lubricant to keep it all happy. What should I use? Is 'normal' grease ok?

Cheers, ChrisW

interestedparty - 23/7/02 at 06:19 PM

Exactly which part of the suspension are you planning to grease, Chris?


Alan B - 23/7/02 at 06:31 PM

Yes, my question too John!
In theory assuming standard book bushings the rubber distorts to give the movement, therefore there is no metal/metal movement therefore nothing to lube! You may find some lube is helpful for installing the bushings and a spot on the threads usually doesn't hurt.

Are they standard "book" bushings?

ChrisW - 23/7/02 at 06:59 PM

I was planning on greasing the bolts before they pass through the bushes? Surely the suspension up/down movement will cause metal-metal movement there?


Smoke Two Joints - 23/7/02 at 07:06 PM

there sould be no metal-maetal movment between the bush tube and the bracket. ky jelly good for inserting bushes because it doesnt perish rubber, it is also water soluble and will dissapear in time unlike grease. normal rubber bushes perish when the come into contact with grease.

Alan B - 23/7/02 at 07:22 PM

ky jelly good for inserting bushes because it doesnt perish rubber

Ah, that explains a lot

Alan B - 23/7/02 at 07:27 PM

Surely the suspension up/down movement will cause metal-metal movement there?

Common misconception Chris. The tube is clamped tight between the "ears" of the bracket, and should be done with the car at normal ride, normally laden. All the movement is in rubber distortion.

Jon Ison - 23/7/02 at 08:05 PM

IMO a bit o grease on bolts is fine, dunt half make life easier when a later date....

ChrisW - 23/7/02 at 08:28 PM

Hmm... so the rubber of the bushes should be proud of the (outer) tubes then?

Cheers for the answers BTW!


JohnFol - 23/7/02 at 09:49 PM

.. but not proud of the inner sleave . .?

ChrisW - 25/7/02 at 09:23 AM

Anyone??? Want to get it all bolted up today and the bushes I've got are flush with the tube ends.


interestedparty - 25/7/02 at 11:23 AM

It will be ok Chris, just tighten them up (with the suspension in the final driving position) (I know you knew that, just for anyone else's benefit)
