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Making bushes for upright?
tegwin - 11/5/09 at 10:49 AM

The rear upright on the TVR are an alloy casting...

To attach the outboard lower wishbone you pass a long stud (threaded on each end) through the wishone bush-upright-wishbone bush and stick a nut on both ends....

That seemed to work ok 30 years ago...

However, the steel rod is now welded solid in the alloy upright... I am pretty sure that when I try and remove it I am going to end up destroying the rod... (I guess I will have to file it square and then have it machine out from either side?

The question is... do I just have the steel rod machined out of the upright just under sized and then pick out the remains in order to keep the alloy hole exactly the right size..

Or should I have a larger hole drilled in the upright and press a steel/brass bush into the alloy to prevent the bar from getting corroded inplace again?

What material would be best for the bush? Brass or steel? There should be NO rotation provided the crush tubes in the bushes are done up tight enough!

The last thing I want to do is introduce any play in the holes where the pivot pin sits... would destroy the uprights..... and you simply CAN NOT buy them anywhere!

[Edited on 11/5/09 by tegwin]

wozsher - 11/5/09 at 11:03 AM

Have you tried heating up the upright, the ally should expand more than the steel.

Mr Whippy - 11/5/09 at 11:05 AM

Tbh I’d definitely try electrolysis or vinegar before risking destroying the upright. In a couple of days the rod should come free.

big_wasa - 11/5/09 at 11:05 AM

Is there enough meat around the hole to go over size ?

tegwin - 11/5/09 at 11:41 AM

Yes there is plenty of meat in the upright to insert a bush with 3mm walls...

The alloy uprights have a nasty habbit of cracking if put under a lot of stress... im guessing casting technology has improved somewhat in the last 40 years!

I had thought about heating the alloy... but is there any risk that I might damage it?

I might try vinegar......worth a shot for a couple of days....

I have tried pelting the end of one with a hammer and it hasnt moved a jot! If I hit it any harder the alloy will proberably explode!

Its a real shame that the uprights are not more widley available... they would make fantastic components for a lightweight s7even!

[Edited on 11/5/09 by tegwin]