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Tripode Diffs
locoboy - 29/2/04 at 02:03 PM

Hi Can anyone tell me what the point is of the little locking tag as in the piccy below? I figured it locks the spikey ring in place, why should you want to adjust that ring anyway? what is the effect of turning it a few notches?

never stripped a diff and not intending to but just interested as to its job in life!


Graceland - 29/2/04 at 02:10 PM

i highly suggest you leave that as it is .

its job is to take the slack out of the bearings.

if you have ever seen one dismantled, then you will see that the bit that is "locked" in place is on a thread - wind it in to tighen the bearing and wind it out to slacken.

if you take a diff to bits, its highly reccomended that you mark where the locking point is - if you get it wrong it's bye bye diff

locoboy - 29/2/04 at 02:32 PM


was planing to take the tag off just to de rust and paint so should be able to mark it ok.

Thanks for the advice.

Graceland - 29/2/04 at 02:40 PM

if you mark it and then take out the tension piece, counting how many turns it is and refit the same, there should be no problem

just paint over it instead - easier. lol