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Chain Drive Diff, Would this work ?
Scoobythedog - 9/6/09 at 03:48 PM

The diff is a sierra bolt on driveshaft type. Would it work to have the reverse sproket between the flange for the driveshaft ?

It would only power the one wheel, but would it be enough for IVA ?


cloudy - 9/6/09 at 04:03 PM

I'd say yes, but I couldn't say for sure, if you have LSD you'd get a certain amount of drive on both wheels....

g.gilo - 9/6/09 at 04:54 PM

thats just the way i have done mine, but with a normal diff. i have used a 6/1 reduction box between the motor and pinion to try and slow it down. watch out for motor rotation.

minitici - 9/6/09 at 06:33 PM

Reverse on Sierra Chain Drive
Reverse on Sierra Chain Drive

Pictures of my prototype in my photo archive.
The gear could be located onto the output flange.
The motor on this unit is very highly geared and can run either direction which is useful.

Scoobythedog - 9/6/09 at 08:40 PM

How does the motor on that actually pivot ?


minitici - 10/6/09 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Scoobythedog
How does the motor on that actually pivot ?


It pivots just enough to come out of mesh.
Held out of mesh with a spring.
Pulls into mesh with a cable.