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Escort based MK Set up
Bob da builder - 5/4/04 at 02:00 PM

Hey up kids,

well i guess that this has been discussed a million times before...

im running a MK escort chassis with gaz coil over shockers. any sugesstions on the suspension set up, camber, tracking, corner weights etc.. and a way of setting them up with out expensive guages etc...?

thanks a lot..

bob da builder

britishtrident - 5/4/04 at 02:24 PM

Camber is dead easy -- use a long sprit level and some wooden shims as packing 4mm is roughly 0.5 degrees.

Toe-in is more difficult --- you can get an approximantion using string and axle stands but it really needs to be set properly is some sort of gauge --- the "Trackrite" type work fine. Remember a book locost has colossal bumpsteer so set the toe-in under normal laden conditions -- with driver.

Corners weights use a pair of decent bathroom scales --they must be the same height and measure up to 150+kg