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what ball joints for raceleda uprights?
mads - 24/11/09 at 11:01 PM

it's late, i'm on-call and search function is not bringing up what i am after... can someone please tell me what ball joints are used for the raceleda sierra uprights?

Wheels244 - 24/11/09 at 11:22 PM

If they're the same as mine it's pins into the upright and then rosejoints onto the pins from the wishbones.

GBaggott - 24/11/09 at 11:44 PM

Can I ask were you got the pins from? I got some with my kit from MNR but I am after sourcing them for another project on a tight budget.

Cheers Gareth

Wheels244 - 24/11/09 at 11:48 PM

Hi Gareth

Got mine with the uprights.
I don't think they're that expensive to buy


mads - 25/11/09 at 07:18 AM

Rob, have you got any pics? and it might sound dumb but what do you mean by pins (not come across that term/part before) ?

JoelP - 25/11/09 at 08:15 AM

the raceleda uprights come with a large hole in them, into this you can either put a tapered insert to use normal balljoints, or the aforementioned pins which basically bolt into the hole and have a protrusion over which to put a rosejoint.

GBaggott - 25/11/09 at 09:49 AM

Mads - picture attached hopefully.

Looks like MNR supply the pins -

Cheers Gareth

GBaggott - 25/11/09 at 09:52 AM

- Rescued attachment Raceleda_upright_2.JPG
Rescued attachment Raceleda_upright_2.JPG

mads - 25/11/09 at 09:35 PM

cheers Gareth - i understand what a pin is now. think i will stick with std ball joints for now. it's the transit ones, right?