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Drive shaft length
Fifer - 25/4/04 at 08:17 PM

Just backed the completed car oput of the garage for the first time under it's own steam (after a bastard of a day, see engine oil pressure section) and grind, crunch !. Left hand drive shaft has popped out and turned ??
Stipped out and looks like shaft is shortened too much, was done by Ron Champoins company pre Luego days. When the suspension is compressed, the inner CV joint can nearly be pulled from diff drive output once cover is pulled back.
Any ideas and how long is shaft meant to be so I can measure.

rusty nuts - 25/4/04 at 08:25 PM

have you sorted oil pressure?? as regards drive shafts check distance from drive flange to diff or inner joint on sierra compare with your car and shorten accordingly? also have you got shafts on correct side ?? think shafts are different . Rusty

Fifer - 25/4/04 at 08:33 PM

Oilpressure sorted see other post, it was a plug out of gallery !
Shafts are correct sides, the problem is the left one is too short, I think. Need to know how long it shouild be

rusty nuts - 25/4/04 at 08:37 PM

I'm building a luego locost, had mine shortened by them but car only driven along driveway, may be different from yours but will check for you probably Tuesday evening as car is 15 miles from mine, will keep you posted. Rusty

Fifer - 27/4/04 at 08:37 PM

Found the problerm. The drive shaft was shortened too much (by Mr Champoins company before he went bust, now Luego)
Cut the weld on the joining sleeve, extended 15 mm and re weld, fitted new CV fitting kit and all ok.