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3rd time lucky?
blakep82 - 1/4/10 at 02:22 PM


coozer - 1/4/10 at 02:24 PM

Looks canny, what did you use to get the rust off and what you using to stop it coming back?

Got two to do myself

blakep82 - 1/4/10 at 02:29 PM

crossed fingers

all the brackets, tubes etc are all new (well, 2 or 3 years ago maybe, but have been painted)

thats the 3rd time o've sprayed it now, so the diff casing was 'ok' for rush, had a go with nitromors, a wire brush, and de greased it, then sprayed with a thin layer of etch primer first, then some zinc primer (i know it should be on the metal, but the etc was more important i thougt) then sprayed several coats of everything.

after the third time of painting it, i decided if it comes off again, it comes off... spent far too long on this bit.

iank - 1/4/10 at 02:43 PM

Do the welds look better this time?
(think they do, but it's hard to see)

blakep82 - 1/4/10 at 02:50 PM

yeah, got them redone by a welding place i found at the industrial estate. he re did the brake welds and i asked him to check over the rest. he said the others looked fine


[Edited on 1/4/10 by blakep82]

Peteff - 1/4/10 at 02:53 PM

You'll be getting the hang of it now Blake

blakep82 - 1/4/10 at 02:55 PM

got enough practise got impatient with it yesterday, blowing a gale outside, but i did it anyway, sprayed on too thick and it started to run, but in the words of Einstein, "F**k it"
i assume he said it at some point...

past caring what it looks like now, just want all the gears put back in so it works

iank - 1/4/10 at 02:57 PM

In my non-expert opinion those look fine now.