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webber jet size
Markp - 23/5/04 at 03:17 PM

Good day to all.

Does anyone know what size the primary and secondary idle jets sizes are for a webber 32/36, off a 1600 xflow.

Any help would be great, thanks


David Jenkins - 23/5/04 at 03:53 PM

This is from a Weber data sheet for the 32/36 DGV:

Primary idle = 45
Secondary idle = 45

Others may have different data...


barrie sharp - 24/5/04 at 09:08 PM

mark do you know what car its from there are various standard settings depending on the engine and car ( from haynes webber book)

Markp - 24/5/04 at 10:12 PM


It's from a mk2 Escort, 1600 xflow, not sure about the age though.

