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remote Reservoir
kj - 4/1/12 at 08:59 AM

I have a std ford master cylinder from a sierra and need a remote reseroir for the brake fluid, any suggestions or what have you used.

designer - 4/1/12 at 09:24 AM

All remote reservoirs are universal.

rich201283 - 4/1/12 at 09:39 AM

I use a one off a punto which is remote.

mikeb - 4/1/12 at 11:18 AM

just had a look of pic of the punto one.
It has three outputs, is it acceptable to blank one off as I need two outputs for my dual master cylinder setup.

big-vee-twin - 4/1/12 at 05:16 PM

Alfa 157

[img] Master Cylinder and reservoir  completed
Master Cylinder and reservoir completed