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Tubing for GTS bushes
Tigers - 26/8/04 at 06:55 AM


As I have ordered poly bushes from GTS (but have not yet received), I need to get tubing for that. In the drawings there is only said that 1.25'x18swg tube is required. As I'm not in UK, I can't get such a tube and I don't realy understand what exact inside diameter is required...
Is it 28.9mm?
I tried to contact Daren but he is not answering. Also couldn't find any info in archives.
Maybe someone who also has these bushes can just measure outside diameter?

simonH - 26/8/04 at 07:33 AM

Imperial Gauge
Imperial in mm
Metric Sheet mm

10 3.25 3.0
12 2.64 2.5
14 2.03 2.0
16 1.63 1.5
18 1.22 1.2
20 0.91 0.9
22 0.71 0.7
24 0.56 0.6
26 0.46 0.5

Taken from

James - 26/8/04 at 08:27 AM


Assuming that the quoted: 1.25' x 18swg is a measure of the external diameter then I guess it'll be:

1.25inch = 25.4mm*1.25 = 31.75mm
If you then subtract the 18swg (1.22mm) from this you get:

31.75-1.22= 30.53mm internal diameter.

But then maybe it's a measure of internal diameter so the above is wrong! I suspect not though.

Hope that helps,


P.S. I would re-post this in the GTS section of the forum- see what others have used.

[Edited on 26/8/04 by James]

Tigers - 26/8/04 at 08:37 AM

Thanx James.
I also calculated like that, although as I understand it will be correct this way:
31.75-1.22 -1.22 = 29.31 because there are two walls.
But wanted acknowledgement from someone that 1.25' is the outside diameter, not inside or some kind of average...

James - 26/8/04 at 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Tigers

I also calculated like that, although as I understand it will be correct this way:
31.75-1.22 -1.22 = 29.31 because there are two walls.

Errr, oh yes... two walls- how embarassing!
Never was that good at maths!



[Edited on 26/8/04 by James]

I love speed :-P - 26/8/04 at 08:47 AM

yep it is 1.25 o.d.

Tigers - 26/8/04 at 09:48 AM

Ok, thanx for info!