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Raw Striker Owners Help - Bolt lengths.
loggyboy - 6/5/12 at 04:53 PM

Could anyone do me a huge favour and measure the strikers suspension bolt lengths? Im in the US so want to replace my m12 bolts with 1/2 inch ones, and as I am in the land of Imperial, I hoped I might get some a a reasonable price, only problem is I need to know the lenghts! I have a marked up the below for how many I need. Can you help!!?

Striker Bolts
Striker Bolts

bi22le - 6/5/12 at 08:32 PM

Ill look and give you the dimensions tomorrow.

loggyboy - 6/5/12 at 09:17 PM

That would be great, dont leave till saturday but would be good to shop around for prices, if I can even find them! Did you sort yours or leave them in the end? If you did replace, where did you get them from and how much?

bi22le - 7/5/12 at 10:41 AM

Hi. I hope your enjoying your trip in the us.

I only replaced the long 'L' bolt for the rear wishbone to up right. The others don't seem to be as sloppy although they probably are! One other thing to say is the 1/2" are the correct but it also shows that the holes don't Line up! I had a little trouble getting the long bolts in. I have not really noticed a difference yet either but I won't do until I am on track.

The measurements.
A 60
B 60
C 230 I have the modern roller bearing rocker. You should have the same set up if your building from new. If this is the case don't replace this bolt.
D 70
E 70
F 70
G 70
H 80
J 70
K 70
L 270 this was cut to get inside my 14" wheels. Approximate measurement
N 70

All these are metric because they still are on my car except for L as said above. I suggest you convert to imperial and get 1/4" up if you can.

If you have any other questions or measurements then u2u me.


bi22le - 7/5/12 at 10:44 AM

Oh forgot to say you missed one.

L is long bolt
K is second wishbone mount as per J
N is lower shock mount to pair with M. N is longer because it goes through another plate as well as the mount on my car.

loggyboy - 7/5/12 at 12:22 PM

Wow, thats great thanks so much for that. Will let you know how I get on!