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Where to get Princess 4 pot spacer kit ?
DaveFJ - 17/9/04 at 12:47 PM

As the title suggests... where can i get a spacer kit for my princess 4 pots to fit capri 2.8 vented disks on my Cortina uprights ??
Also there seems to be some talk of the thickness of the spacers (6,8,9 or 10mm ?)


timf - 17/9/04 at 01:09 PM

phelpsa - 17/9/04 at 04:11 PM

Burton Power do them too.


DaveFJ - 17/9/04 at 04:22 PM

Anyone know about the thickness issue ?

apparently BP do them in 6,8 & 10 mm ???

Steve Hnz - 17/9/04 at 10:39 PM

Depends on the thickness of your replacement discs against your original ones. From the brakeparts int catalogue the cortina ones are 13mm & the capri vented ones are 20mm so a spacer of 8mm would seem your closest bet. the original princess discs were also 13mm thickness. HTH Cheers, Steve

ned - 20/9/04 at 08:38 AM

rally design also do them,


Hugh Jarce - 21/9/04 at 03:44 AM

Incidently, if you can't find princess callipers, the inner halves from a Triumph 2000 and the outer halves from a Hilman (or is it vice versa - I forget) make up a Princess calliper.
An old trick from my MGB brake conversion days!

DaveFJ - 21/9/04 at 07:36 AM

Thanks everyone for your help, I have ordered my spacer kits from Peter Lloyd (£29.99)

when you add the seal kits and caliper paint and 6 new bleed nipples my 'bargain' calipers have all of a sudden cost me a small fortune! (well about £120 anyway)

ned - 21/9/04 at 08:41 AM

still half the price of the outlaw m16 alloy calipers, though about twice the weight


DaveFJ - 21/9/04 at 08:55 AM

the weight issue isn't as bad as some would have you beleive.. they are only fractionally heavier than standard M16's (obviously not alloy ones)

which by the way I now have a set of going cheap! (as removed from donor)