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4 Pot caliper?
zetec - 30/9/04 at 10:56 PM

Anyone know who does a 4pot caliper I can use with a Sierra upright and standard 260mm vented disc? The discs are new EBC ones so if poss to keep the cost down would like to use them.

Hellfire - 1/10/04 at 01:02 AM

not sure if hi-spec/tech do one... read other posts first regarding this manufacturer... they have somewhat chequered reviews. Do a search for them on here....

the x man - 8/10/04 at 07:08 PM

are they M16 type at the moment? if so Outlaw do some very nice ones i have them on my kit. but cortine uprights are different..

look here or here

atomic - 11/10/04 at 07:49 AM

type r1 - 11/10/04 at 08:19 AM


use a mondeo calliper and pads.

plenty of power and pad area and easy to find and service.

just need to increase the bore on the calliper mounting holes a smidgen.

