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Steering rack angles - review
b14wrc - 14/10/13 at 09:33 PM

Please could I have some opinions on my steering rack position?

I'm looking at getting the mounts sorted and just want a view on if I'm going in the right direction before I go further. I'm looking at an inboard suspension set up.


feckn7 - 14/10/13 at 10:21 PM

How much droop are you going to get before your bottom wishbone hits the lower chassis rail?

b14wrc - 15/10/13 at 05:28 AM


Good question, at the moment it's hard to say as it's on the table. But at the moment it's at ride height, about 125mm, I'd say it could droop another 100mm before the arm hits the chassis.

I'm going to finish off the rear suspension then get it out on the drive way to see what it all looks like. Ill jack the car up and see how much the suspension moves. Hopefully I've done my sums right and calculated the right positions so my camber domes what it's supposed to do!


jossey - 15/10/13 at 07:51 PM

What does the front view look like?

Bump steer etc....

adithorp - 15/10/13 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by jossey
What does the front view look like?

Bump steer etc....

Agree with jossey, you can't tell anything from that angle.

b14wrc - 15/10/13 at 08:53 PM

Yes I do agree. My concern was with the rack angle in the top view, no body seems to be worried by that...

The car is right against the door there so hard to get a photo from the front. I will try at the weekend, will need to open the doors, not a problem.

I think the arms of the rack will be parallel with the bottom arm and the ball joint in line with the bottom bush.
