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A picture of 9" drum brakes
Jeffers_S13 - 27/10/04 at 07:18 AM

Could some kind soul please post a large picture of the inside of their 9" drums. I think I have a Mkv Corty axle, are these the same as a Capri ? also are the internals of Sierra 9" drum brakes the same as Cortina 9" drum brakes or were they re-worked ? ?

The Haynes manual doesnt cover the set-up in enough detail.

Its a very long story, I now have various parts and various springs that I have bought new, that are all supposed to be right but in some cases are different, I cant seem to see how they go together with the use of the Haynes manual. The car I bought simply had the recon axle in situ with 9" back plates attached. I am assuming its from a MkV Corty.

Any help appreciated



phelpsa - 27/10/04 at 07:51 AM

The sierra drums are different, I don't know how different, but they are definately different.


theconrodkid - 27/10/04 at 09:09 AM

be easier if you posted a pic of the axle,its different to the carpi one

Jeffers_S13 - 27/10/04 at 10:54 AM

Two new pics in my archive, Axle and Hub, do these show what you need to see to ID it ?

Avoneer - 27/10/04 at 11:27 AM

Look like Sierra ones.
Got some pics on my website somewhere.
Also got a Cortina haynes manual if you need any pages scanning.

[Edited on 27/10/04 by Avoneer]

tom_loughlin - 27/10/04 at 11:30 AM

think i have some in my archive - the whole set-up with the outer casing removed.
if theyre not in there, i will update it tomorrow cuz i definitley have some pics

Jeffers_S13 - 27/10/04 at 02:54 PM

Thanks guys,

Tom you seem to have disc brakes on the rear ?

Pat, are those 9" drums ?

will have to compare the picture of the back plates with the ones on my car, all back plates tend to look very similar until you get them side by side ! Do you think that I could just use all Sierra parts on the rear ? bolt on the Sierra back plates then use new Sierra bits that would be easy to source (new Cortina parts are a nightmare to find, even secondhand stuff is proving very difficult) I could then forget the fact thats its a cortina (or capri) rear axle.

Are the wheels all the same PCD on Cortinas and Sierras, i.e. will the Sierra drums fit over the studs on my cortina hubs.

Other problem I see is the handbrake.

Its difficult to compare just by looking at pics and stuff, I need to go to a scrappers and look at/measure a Sierra setup.


Jeffers_S13 - 1/11/04 at 10:55 AM

Can anyone help me with some pics ? ?

Peteff - 1/11/04 at 12:44 PM

Can't do a picture at the moment sorry but I've just measured and my capri axle is 51.75 inches between the back plates and the breather is on the other side of the diff to the one in your picture. I need a brake drum for mine and I think the 9" Sierra ones are narrower where the shoe grabs.

Avoneer - 1/11/04 at 07:03 PM

Yes, mine are 9" drums.
Does that help?

Jeffers_S13 - 3/11/04 at 02:05 PM

Thanks Pat, having compared the back plate in your photo album on your sebsite to the back plate currently fixed to my axle, they are different.

I am still struggling to resolve this ! its really bugging me !

