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Identifying steering rack (for gators)
Norfolkluegojnr - 29/5/14 at 11:13 AM


Hopefully a quick one - I've no idea what rack is no my Gemini, could be Cortina, could be Escort or something else.

Is there an easy way to identify it? both gators are split and need replacing!


Mr Whippy - 29/5/14 at 12:03 PM

post a picture on here

Car builder solutions sell universal ones that just about any rack

Norfolkluegojnr - 29/5/14 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
post a picture on here

Car builder solutions sell universal ones that just about any rack

Will do when i get back tonight - I'll check out cbs too.

britishtrident - 29/5/14 at 06:06 PM

Corrina, Escort racks were by the same supplier, in effect the Escort rack was just a shorter version of the Cost in a rack.

gremlin1234 - 29/5/14 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Corrina, Escort racks were by the same supplier, in effect the Escort rack was just a shorter version of the Cost in a rack.
I guess your spell checker doesn't like cortina's

Norfolkluegojnr - 29/5/14 at 07:15 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Corrina, Escort racks were by the same supplier, in effect the Escort rack was just a shorter version of the Cost in a rack.

Thanks BT!

TimC - 30/5/14 at 01:54 PM

All the Gemini's I've seen are 'Scort racks.

How's the project - last update was the boom box.

Norfolkluegojnr - 30/5/14 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by TimC
All the Gemini's I've seen are 'Scort racks.

How's the project - last update was the boom box.

I'll update the thread this weekend, as I've been given a pass for a couple of days graft.

Plan for tomorrow will be to remove and test the heater, fit a new battery and check wiring (dodgy earth somewhere), and make a shopping list of all parts needed to get back on the road.

pics to follow too