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Sierra rear camber shims
MP3C - 6/6/14 at 10:29 AM

I don't know if these are the right thing to correct my camber on the back of my tiger cat e1, as it has the full sierra sub frame in the back the camber is out and have heard that shims can be bought to correct this issue. Does anybody know where i can get a set or if this isn't the thing to get advice me on a course of action to resolve the camber issue?


Dingz - 6/6/14 at 11:20 AM

Hello Matt I can supply you a set, I will send a u2u

snapper - 6/6/14 at 11:54 AM

And me pls

rusty nuts - 6/6/14 at 06:50 PM

I need to adjust the rear tracking on my Luego which uses Sierra hub bearings, can you supply shims for tracking?If so how much?

SteveWallace - 6/6/14 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
I need to adjust the rear tracking on my Luego which uses Sierra hub bearings, can you supply shims for tracking?If so how much?

When I was setting up mine, all I did was get some shim metal (cannot remember what thickness, but it comes in a wide range of sizes) and make some spacer washers with it. The upright mounting holes are fairly close to the centre line of the hub so you don't need much to make a relatively big difference to the tracking and to centre the thrust.

I used laser pens fastened to a bit of wood and fixed to the wheel rims to work out how much I needed and to check adjustment. Overall, it was less than the thickness of a standard washer so I'm not worried about not using a whole shim plate.

rusty nuts - 6/6/14 at 08:38 PM

I already have some shim stock, I'm just being lazy . I only need to take out 0.75 mm toe out on the NS .

Dingz - 6/6/14 at 09:32 PM

Sorry rusty they are a machined plate to correct both camber and toe in on the sierra beam so woulld not be that suitable for your application.

nick205 - 6/6/14 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
I need to adjust the rear tracking on my Luego which uses Sierra hub bearings, can you supply shims for tracking?If so how much?

Rusty - I did this on my Indy to correct the rear toe as there was no adjustment via the wishbones. I sourced a range of shim washers from I can't see them listed on the site so you might have to call/email them - they're very helpful.

rusty nuts - 7/6/14 at 06:18 AM

Originally posted by nick205
Originally posted by rusty nuts
I need to adjust the rear tracking on my Luego which uses Sierra hub bearings, can you supply shims for tracking?If so how much?

Rusty - I did this on my Indy to correct the rear toe as there was no adjustment via the wishbones. I sourced a range of shim washers from I can't see them listed on the site so you might have to call/email them - they're very helpful.

Thanks for the info, will give them a try.

microx - 6/8/14 at 09:05 AM

Hi, I need a set of these tapered shims, who do I need to contact. Steve

Dingz - 6/8/14 at 09:33 AM

You have U2U