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Sierra Haynes Manuals
JH - 24/11/04 at 12:10 AM

I've heard some of the earlier ones have more detailed exploded diagrams of the diff and other parts, is this true? if so which one should I get?

Does this also apply to the manual for the v6/4x4 models?


Petemate - 24/11/04 at 09:40 AM

Spot on mate - we (my Dax-builder son & I) have one of each. The one to go for with the detailed bits is the (old) light blue one (or maybe it's green) Very good for breakdown diagrams etc

andyps - 26/11/04 at 11:49 AM

Newer Haynes manuals are nothing like as good as the old ones for any car - they seem to have decided that we are not capable of some jobs these days!

Probably down to liability claims I guess.

ned - 26/11/04 at 11:51 AM

i have the old pink haynes for the v6 and 4x4 sierra,. it has fully exploded diagrams and rebuild procedures for type 9 gearbox which is/will be useful..


James - 26/11/04 at 03:12 PM

I've got the old pink ones for the Granada- have all the Type9 and diff' stuff- really good.
