Is there such a thing as a 78mm PCD Lobro CV joint that is fixed, ie no in and out movement ? (just reminded me of Clockwork orange)
Found that larger sizes do that on the net, but no luck with 78mm so far.
And if so what car has them?
I require it for my front prop drive, and the VW ones I have cause problems with the in/out movement.
A UJ fitting may be tight, but as I require a bit of an angle I may have problems going for a UJ.
thanks in advance
Have a look at Trident Racing Supplies and Merlin Motorsport, both do a full range of specialist lobros
Thanks - will do!
Looked, they do have some with +-8mm that may work, but still looking for a fixed cv.
Darren half way through the video, not sure what the pcd is though