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Lobro shafts
dilley - 9/7/15 at 06:28 PM

I need to cut an join s2000 shafts to lobro shafts, are lobro shafts identical either end? Bottom line is can I use one drive shaft and make two.


minitici - 9/7/15 at 07:07 PM

Yes - same splines both ends.

25 spline on 100mm Lobros and 28 spline on 108mm Lobros (Ford)

Or 33 spline on VW 100mm & 94mm Lobros

dilley - 9/7/15 at 07:09 PM

Ok, what about without end shafts, cv's, the bolt on part either end!

I have 1 shaft minus the stubs....

[Edited on 9/7/15 by dilley]

mcerd1 - 9/7/15 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by dilley
Ok, what about without end shafts, cv's, the bolt on part either end!

I have 1 shaft minus the stubs....


The CV's for each end are identical - they are just fitted facing the opposite direction

Just be aware that any hybrid shaft will wear out the CV's a bit faster (due to the imbalanced forces acting on it without the matching CV on the other end)

[Edited on 9/7/2015 by mcerd1]