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Suspension Confusion
ChrisS - 7/12/04 at 09:50 AM


Well i started off by building a mcsorely book chassis, and ended up grafting the rear subframe of a Tiger avon to it with the intention of using the avon rear suspension setup. To my horror i found out yesterday that the avon prices for wishbones and uprights have almost doubled, making it now not such a good idea.

So ive started to look at other ways of actually getting a sierra rear end onto my book chassis. Does anyone have any similar experiences on a good way to do this, and if so whos did you use and how did you do it.
So far it seems most sensible to go for the GTS dedion given that most drawings and measurements are available, but ideally id rather not have to chop off the subframe and all the hard work ive already put in. (Although im preparing too)

I guess i could make the avon rear suspension bits but the book really doesnt give enough information to make the uprights, and also i seem to remember someone saying about the avon rear end having converging arcs where the wishbones are concerned. So im thinkning maybe a fresh start wouldnt be a bad thing.

Thanks All.

JoelP - 7/12/04 at 09:57 AM

do you mean that you were going to use a sierra rear subframe on the car? if so, might i strongly recommend you dont! i used it on mine, and its my biggest regret. weighs far too much, and is damn ugly.

ChrisS - 7/12/04 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
do you mean that you were going to use a sierra rear subframe on the car? if so, might i strongly recommend you dont! i used it on mine, and its my biggest regret. weighs far too much, and is damn ugly.

No I just mean i want to use the sierra diff and drive shafts and drums, that all. but i need a complete rear setup like wishbones uprights and measurements of the subframe to mount it all on, so i can weld it up and graft it on to the rear bulkhead of the book chassis.

ceebmoj - 7/12/04 at 10:56 AM


I have a pair of leaho up rights that I am trying to sell (40) and if you can make the chasy I am sure you can weld the wishboans if you whanted.


ChrisS - 7/12/04 at 11:18 AM

Originally posted by ceebmoj

I have a pair of leaho up rights that I am trying to sell (40) and if you can make the chasy I am sure you can weld the wishboans if you whanted.


Thanks for the offer, but ive decided to go the GTS dedion route as it looks like its going to be the easiet way to go due to availablity of dimensions and least mods to existig chassis. Also im going to use the GTS front end so itmakes sense to use the GTS rear as well.


James - 7/12/04 at 11:51 AM



dblissett - 7/12/04 at 02:19 PM

i couldent agree more
i two am building a 442 with a avon backend i have done my backend 4 times
with the help of pete bura its sorted now but it has put me back about 10 months
there is a poster from scotland who is building a mcsorly with dedion rear end
i cant rember his full user name
craig1410 i think
he has a good web site
cheers dave

MikeRJ - 7/12/04 at 07:57 PM

My chassis had the Tiger rear end grafted on, but due to the general naffness of the design as well as cost etc. I went for the GTS solution.

It only took me a couple of evening to hack off the Tiger rear and and fabricate the GTS one. I think you made the right choice!

Peteff - 8/12/04 at 12:31 PM

He's doing a de dion in Scotland but his chassis is an early MK I think. He has some good pictures of the axle components.

[Edited on 8/12/04 by Peteff]

Mix - 8/12/04 at 06:27 PM

I'm in the process of adapting a Tiger rear end to a book chassis, 'Ooh err missus'. I've made my own uprights along the lines of the Tiger ones and have just finished the lower wishbones, again to similar dimensions but different design. The exercise has definitely taken longer than if I'd bought a ready made solution but so far I would estimate the outlay for the uprights and lower wishbones to be about £40, (this includes rose joints for the inboard wishbone attachments).
Eventually I hope the satisfaction of knowing 'I did it my way', will be worth the wait .
