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Caterham wheel offset?
Shooter63 - 15/10/15 at 10:26 PM

Can anybody tell me what et caterham 13" wheels have, I've been offered a set but I'm not sure they will fit my stylus.


INDY BIRD - 15/10/15 at 10:44 PM

normally they are et23 ofset but what wheel size is it 6" or 8"???

Ugg10 - 16/10/15 at 08:08 AM

Barkalarr - 16/10/15 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Shooter63
Can anybody tell me what et caterham 13" wheels have, I've been offered a set but I'm not sure they will fit my stylus.


6" fronts are usually ET24

What wheels are they ? If they're 6" and 8" wheels and they don't fit, give me a shout

Shooter63 - 16/10/15 at 08:54 PM

I'm pretty sure they are 6" rims
