I reckon I'm going to need a pedal box (hydraulic clutch) fairly soon for my Haynes so I can start running brake pipes etc in.
It came with a half built cable clutch one but I reckon it'll be easier / better just to get the right one than try and modify this one.
So, what's a decent value / quality one? Good / bad experiences?
Hear good thing about them
Roscos build has a very tasty box but he has made it from scratch !
with pedal boxes you get what you pay for I had a cheap one then bought a used tilton one day and night
Originally posted by baldthreads
with pedal boxes you get what you pay for I had a cheap one then bought a used tilton one day and night
Originally posted by matt5964
Hear good thing about them
Roscos build has a very tasty box but he has made it from scratch !
If I go for the OBP Premium I can specify MC's of .625 .7 or .75
I'm using std Sierra disc brakes (single pot). Would a good starting point be .625 front .7 rear?
And as for the clutch? Go for the middle one, .7? Might have to ask the other guys that have used the M52 engine.
I went for OBP. I modified mine to fitand sent them a cheeky
email saying "is my warranty OK?".
They engaged in the banter and were pretty positive about the mods I'd made. Off the back of it, they started wondering if a narrow pedal box for
kit cars would be a flyer or not.
I like the pedal box and it suits my needs well. It mounts hard up against the bulkhead.
Ta, i've ordered the obp premium one now