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MX-5 VLSD Chain Drive Conversion
AdamR20 - 28/10/15 at 10:10 AM

Morning all,

I'm looking to convert an early 1.6 MX-5 VLSD to chain drive and wondering if anyone has any pearls of wisdom?

I've checked out the (probably deliberately fairly small ) photos on and think I know how they are doing it, but the bit I'm struggling on is sealing the unit up - mainly the side of the flange where the crownwheel is normally fitted, the holes circled red below:

Here are some other pics:

The 'cup' that goes over the main body of the diff looks like a right bugger to make - a LOT of boring / machining - but I guess it would be possible to do it in steel instead, using a piece of tube of the right ID and then weld a 'cap' over the end.

But yeah, anyone else done this conversion and willing to share how they did it?

Many thanks in advance,

minitici - 28/10/15 at 10:36 AM

Simple - send the bits to me to convert - as you can see I have done a few!

Doug (AKA Westgarage Engineering)

AdamR20 - 28/10/15 at 10:40 AM

Haha. I actually just sent you an email asking for prices. I'll give you a call if it's easier Thanks.

russbost - 28/10/15 at 03:18 PM

We convert the standard MR2 Mk1 donor diff for use in the Furore, the first ones I had an ali "can" machined up similar to what you've pictured, which was bl**dy expensive, on all after the first couple we simply get plates welded into the gaps in the casing & have a bung & grease nipple, fill the diff with grease - I've not managed to break one yet with a ZZR1400, so the principle certainly works! It's simpler, cheaper & significantly lighter.

maccmike - 28/10/15 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by minitici
Simple - send the bits to me to convert - as you can see I have done a few!

Doug (AKA Westgarage Engineering)
