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Riot front brakes
Phil_1471 - 7/3/16 at 01:40 PM

Afternoon all!
Had a quick search, can't find anything easily...

What are the front discs off on an original Riot? Is it Capri solids?

The original builder thought it a good idea to drill the discs, literally no wear on them and they are full of cracks already :-/
Also front bearing, again Capri? What year etc

Thanks all for your wealth of knowledge


Jenko - 7/3/16 at 01:47 PM

Possibly no help.....But my Sylva J15 fronts, are apparently the same as caterham, which were based on a triumph herald. Worth checking.

nickm - 7/3/16 at 07:32 PM

As Jenko said for me as well, but the Herald uprights (Caterham) were a later edition, might be worth checking out the Riot build manual should be on the Sylva website think its Fiesta Mk 4,
Sorry my Fiesta Mk 4 Haynes is in the garage (not here) for disc size.

Nick M

nickm - 7/3/16 at 07:55 PM

It may be Capri ? my builds taken so long i cant think back that far !
I think it needs a picture so someone can recognise them, i have a set of Fiesta Mk 4s in the garage as i was collecting parts prior to the build but i can remember talking with JP about a firm called Capri Gear here in Lincs so the originals could have been Capri.

Nick M

monkeyarms - 7/3/16 at 08:36 PM

Hi, the original Riot/J15 indeed has capri front hubs with brakes.

heres mine during build, with the capri hubs

Phil_1471 - 7/3/16 at 09:49 PM

Thanks :-) managed to pick some up today and just stuck them on... Love how you have to dismantle all bearing etc to do them...