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Ally steering rack mounts
TTK77 - 21/12/04 at 12:50 PM

Ally steering rack mounts for Mk2 anywhere??

ned - 21/12/04 at 12:58 PM

i've used these, what do you need to know/see?


Peteff - 21/12/04 at 01:13 PM p;SearchFor=&PT_ID=72

ned - 21/12/04 at 01:21 PM


blimey, £50 from westfield, I know it was only to illustrate the picture, but they're about £27-30 from rally design (where i bought mine) iirc..


chrisf - 21/12/04 at 01:54 PM

I made some a month ago and they came out well. I documented how I did them on my website. Check out the Nov. 19th update. I think they cost me less than $20 complete.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


TTK77 - 21/12/04 at 05:54 PM

Thanks Chris