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load location on a deDion
chrisf - 11/1/05 at 09:08 PM


Are the loads from a deDion transfered down the chassis sides (like a live axle car) or through the the trans tunnel (like an IRS car)? I searched though quite a few pages on the topic, but could not find the answer.

--Many Thanks, Chris

britishtrident - 11/1/05 at 09:37 PM

The last time I looked I am sure it was very similar to live axle full width "A" frame.

I think it has to be this way to clear the diff on full bump.

alternatively you could look at this style of axle location

Stu16v - 11/1/05 at 11:26 PM

A bit of both really. When you take up drive, a live axle not only has to push the car forward, but resist the 'twist' of the diff. This doesn't occur with a dedion, but the same twisting force has now got to go somewhere else...
Also, how will the lateral location of the dedion be dealt with? Panhard rod, 'A' arm, or something else? An 'A' arm with the central pivot on the chassis side will also feed loads into the centre of the chassis when cornering.

blueshift - 12/1/05 at 08:52 AM

We're using the GTS dedion setup which uses a panhard rod. Most of the loads go into the chassis the same way as a live axle (trailing arms and panhard rod), apart from the twisting force at the diff which goes into the diff mounts (flanges on the back of the tranny tunnel). Those flanges have to take the weight of the diff as well, of course.

General opinion seems to be that the chassis doesn't need any beefing up to handle those twisting/diff weight loads over a book, live axle setup.


andyace - 12/1/05 at 10:48 AM

Do the diff mounts come with the GTS dedion kit?

MikeRJ - 13/1/05 at 08:34 AM

Originally posted by andyace
Do the diff mounts come with the GTS dedion kit?

No, you have to order them separately, or make your own.

andyharding - 13/1/05 at 10:22 AM

I have a pair of diff mounts for sale. £10 + P&P.

See the for sale section for more info.