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How tight...
rm0rgan - 20/7/18 at 07:52 AM

Out of interest, how tight are people doing up steering track rod ends?

I do mine up pretty tight whereas some people think you should tighten them and leave some slack.

Asking for a friend ;-)

Andy D - 20/7/18 at 08:57 AM

Tight.. both steering rack end and into the upright.
Cant think why anyone would want to leave either slack??

nick205 - 20/7/18 at 09:48 AM

Haynes manual for the Peugeot 205 specifies:

TRE nut 35Nm
Track rod inner 50 Nm

As above leaving them with "play" sounds like someone doesn't know what they're doing

rm0rgan - 20/7/18 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by nick205
Haynes manual for the Peugeot 205 specifies:

TRE nut 35Nm
Track rod inner 50 Nm

As above leaving them with "play" sounds like someone doesn't know what they're doing

I don't think he meant 'play' just not tightened as hard as you can - personally I did them up using a short handled ratchet and went as tight as I could without putting a longer handled ratchet on the socket - I might give it a tweak with my torque driver and see where it is in terms of torque.

Mr Whippy - 20/7/18 at 11:05 AM

I think people are meaning not OTT with a hammer etc in case it's a nightmare to slacken them for adjustment later. Personally I coat the threads in copper grease and give them a good coat of paint to help prevent water getting in and rusting the threads. I use my calibrated arm to tighten them to the correct torque...

russbost - 20/7/18 at 06:53 PM

If anyone is saying "don't overtighten" I would guess they are talking about the locknut for the taper, where, if really overtightened you can have a bit of a nightmare splitting the taper later. But as said, they most definitely need to be pulled up good & tight & either with a new, or nearly new locknut (they are only really a locknut for the first one or 2 uses) or split pin if the old stylee ones - you really don't want the TRE parting company with the steering arm!