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Sierra steering rack bush
maurof74 - 21/9/19 at 07:55 PM

I need a new rack bush (the bush inside the housing, which supports the rack shaft on the passenger side) for a Sierra steering rack.
- ID 22mm
- OD 30mm
Does someone knows where to source it ?

rusty nuts - 22/9/19 at 11:53 AM

Possibly Burtons?

maurof74 - 22/9/19 at 01:04 PM

Thank you.
Yes they have dome steering rack bushes but not sure it will fit since there is no measures info. Just emailed them.

nick205 - 23/9/19 at 01:49 PM

If you have a Ford main dealer near you (that's been a Ford main dealer for a few years) they're sometimes worth asking. I sourced a few similar bits from my local Ford main dealer in Winchester during my MK Indy build. The parts counter guy had been there a while and happened to know their stock pretty well.

CosKev3 - 24/9/19 at 07:30 AM

Ford parts system no longer updates older car parts when they update the system.
I went in to inquire about parts for a 1999 ST200 mondeo and most of the part numbers were unobtainable,as the new system can not read the old info that they have decided not to convert/update.

maurof74 - 24/9/19 at 08:29 AM

Thank you for the advise.
In the meantime I also ordered a 22x30 bronze bush.
My intention is to keep it in position with a couple of grains