Does anyone know member "dave69isit". He recently offered me an escort pedal box. Ive sent a cheque and havent heard anything since, and the
phone number he gave in his u2u doesnt seem to work. So if anyone does know him or knows how to get hold of him i would really appreciate it.
Obviously i have sent him several u2u's.
Many Thanks
Firstly check with the bank whether the check has been cashed in, if not cancel it.
If it has then leave him some bad feed back.
Sorry wrong site.
[Edited on 24/2/05 by clbarclay]
Maybe he's on holiday???
I've had some bits off him a couple of times with no problems.
I know him well. He's a very decent guy.
There must be a genuine reason.
Same here.Nice guy and ive bought from him before no probs.Must be a good reason, give him a little more time.
Problem all sorted now, Dave has been contacted.
Many Thanks
ok.....We are all it a good story?