Andybody know of a good, cheap source of recon sierra rear calipers, pref in the Leics/Warks area?
Best price so far is £47 each + vat exch.
i paid £40 for a complete sierra with disc rear end - prob the cheapest option if you have the time and space.
failing that, local scrappies to me want £30 a side for calipers.
all the best,
v8 dave was offering recon sierra rears for £80 pair iirc
[Edited on 14/3/05 by ned]
Try Shee Ram on East Park Road.
They now trade as Leicester Autoparts.
01162 461000
No connection other than I got my calipers there and have used them a lot over the years for your average car parts.
You may get a bit of dicount if you claim you`re trade too
[Edited on 15/3/05 by ReMan]
Ahh, never heard of them! Will give them a try (presume they are a parts shop, not breakers!)