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Rear end rebuild
shades - 25/3/05 at 07:56 PM

I have dismantled my sierra rear end into its component parts...

Before going to the motor factors with slave cylinders, brake shoes and multitude of springs and clips. Does anyone do a rebild kit that contains all the bits needed to rebuild the rear brakes?

Also should I be replacing the rear drums? or will a good clean an paint enough? If so how much would I expect to pay?


Shogun969 - 25/3/05 at 09:47 PM

Yep you can get all the bits to refurb your brakes , they do a brake shoe fitting kit which includes all the springs and retaining parts, wheel cylinders and shoes available as well i paid under 40 quid for mine and they were lockheed parts.
Good Luck

shades - 25/3/05 at 11:49 PM

Any suggestions where I can get them from?

Mix - 26/3/05 at 08:12 AM

These are the people I've used, seem to have everything at a good price
