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Steering UJ's
semi42 - 4/12/02 at 07:03 AM

pulling apart a mk3 steering column theother day ,I noticed that none of the uj yokes line up is there a reason for this?
only thing I can think of is that as the steering shaft isnt rotated at high speed, then yoke alinment isnt critical

StuartA - 4/12/02 at 12:24 PM

I believe the reason for this is so that the steering column does not come straight at the driver in the event of a frontal impact (there is stuff in the SVA manual about it)

Mark H - 9/12/02 at 08:51 PM

Would this be my answer to how to get the steering column around the Pinto engine mount?

stephen_gusterson - 9/12/02 at 09:37 PM

if you use more than 2 uj in the sterring, it will need a bearing along its length.

I have 3 in mine - to get a decent 'crash angle' in the line. I used a machined alu block as a 'bearing clamp'.

You might be able to use a rod end as a bearing, provided you put it on the shaft before you weld the end on!

