One of my last jobs is to make the handbrake work!
It's mostly there...based on Ron Champions book, I have got a couple of allegro cables and an Escort II handbrake lever, but so far nothing to link
them together.
I've tried making a couple of linkages, but they have been useless. Obviously it needs to be adjustable for SVA.
Anyone got any suggestions on a part I can buy, or a good design for something I can make?
I am at exactly the same position.
One thing I did notice that although the brake cables were bought at the same time from the same shop, one is slightly longer.
I will probably start fabricating somthing next weekend, so if anyone has an idea. . .
I have found exactly the same with my cables. The difference isn't much (5 - 10mm), but that's enough to make things difficult. It's why one of my previous linkages was not satisfactory.