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more theory about suspensions
PerspexIt - 13/2/03 at 08:25 AM


i'm interested on build a chassis for a replica, not really a locost.
Starting from scratch, i'm looking for more theory about suspensions, wishbones, etc.
I read in some of your sites, somebody used a software for simulations.
Anybody can point me in the right direction (books, website) ?


kingr - 13/2/03 at 11:48 AM

Perspex - I suspect you're talking about Cymtiks and his finite element analysis. Software for this, for the most part, is very expensive. There are some free ones though, as to their usefulness, I've no idea. Have a look on this site for a short round up of the various software you may need.

As for information, buying books is probably your best option (or getting them at a library), for a good list of suitable books, check out projectLMP's website (look at one of his posts in the mid engine forum, and click the WWW button).


[Edited on 13/2/03 by kingr]

[Edited on 13/2/03 by kingr]

johnston - 13/2/03 at 11:57 PM

check out alan stanforths compititon car suspension

lotta tecy stuff bout wheel frequancies and stuff but goes through the basics very well 2