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Sierra Handbrake cable nipple thingy?
RazMan - 4/1/06 at 07:45 PM

I need to shorten my Sierra handbrake cable and need one or two of these.....(sorry for the fuzzy pic)

1. Any ideas where to get them?
2. What is the best method to fix them? Is soldering strong enough?

[Edited on 4-1-06 by RazMan] Rescued attachment handbrakenipplethingy.jpg
Rescued attachment handbrakenipplethingy.jpg

jambojeef - 4/1/06 at 08:11 PM

Funny you should say that - just done mine 10 minutes ago!

I lapped the steel cable down the side of the cable end into a little hacksaw groove and was going to braze it on but then couldnt find any wire or flux so MIGd it instead.

Seems to be pretty good and hopefully theres not too much flex at that point so the weld wont fatigue.

Hope that helps...?


RazMan - 4/1/06 at 08:19 PM

Didn't think about MIGing it!

I'm not exactly a dab hand with the MIG and I would probably make a hash of it. I can handle brazing it though ....... if I had some flux and brazing rod

I know they are available from somewhere but I have forgotten where the pic came from.

jambojeef - 4/1/06 at 11:08 PM

I just chopped mine off the end of the old sierra one, cut to length and welded it on!

Why buy when you can DIY?

And also, when it breaks it'll give you something to do....


RazMan - 4/1/06 at 11:30 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
... they can be obtaned from any AA /RAC man or can be bought from companys such as mk

Thanks for the tip snoopy

Chippy - 5/1/06 at 12:08 AM

I cut mine of and then drilled it out, which I didn't expect would work, but did. Then just crimped it on again at the correcxt length, which is how there fitted in the first place.

RazMan - 5/1/06 at 04:42 PM

I phoned MK and they are sending me a couple at £3 each

clbarclay - 5/1/06 at 05:49 PM

An alturnative for joining cables together without heat (and potectial side effects) is to use cable clamps. About £3 a pice for small ones and should be avalible at DIY's. Rescued attachment Cable clamp.JPG
Rescued attachment Cable clamp.JPG

MautoK - 9/1/06 at 01:24 PM

I got some of those small u-bolt jobbies from a boat chandlers - about 20p each.