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Shocker length
P4 - 10/5/03 at 08:33 AM


I read somewhere that during the initial setup of the front suspenstion the shock absorber can be replaced by a steel bar. I think the length given was 12 inches, can anyone confirm this length or give me the correct one.

Stu16v - 10/5/03 at 07:54 PM

A bit difficult to say mate. I used 25mm box as shocker replacements to get the car on to its wheels. But the length depends where the brackets are for the wishbones, the wishbone length, desired ride height etc, etc. I have used 14" shockers on the front, and 12" on the back. Taking into account the fitted bump stop length, normal ride height should be around one third closed from full extension. These will be the ideal length of your bar.

HTH Stu.

dozracing - 12/5/03 at 07:31 AM

If you have built a book car, then at 4" front ride height your bar will need to be 10.5" long.

The lengths of "book" car shocks in their various positions are listed on the drawing of my shock kit. You can find that on This shows full open, ride height and full closed lengths for front and rear shocks. Its the ride height lengths that you'll be interested in.

Kind regards,
