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Sierra driveshafts
nick205 - 15/9/03 at 08:31 AM

Hi Guys,

I'm sure this must be a common problem so you'll all know the answer...!

3 of the 4 rubber gaitors on my Sierra driveshafts (not bolt on type) are split.
I have removed the remains of the old gaitors with the idea of replacing them, but can't see how to get the new gaitor over the 'metal can' that protects the actual joint.
The Haynes book of words says to remove this 'can' and then fit a new one, but my repair kit don't have a new can with it ???

Is it easier to get another set from the scrappy???



ned - 15/9/03 at 08:36 AM

i've got a push fit rear sierra axle spare if you want it, or any bits off it. theres a pic on my website under the donor section. i'm near guildford...

any help?


nick205 - 15/9/03 at 11:45 AM

Hi Ned,

have you got a pair of driveshafts or just the one?

And what condition are the boots in?

