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Pedal box
Hornet - 1/10/03 at 03:12 PM

Gents looking for help in fitting mk2 Escort pedals. I am at the stage of deciding pedal set up... I have fitted Escort servo. Was thinking that some of you will have raised pedals above stadard chassis and some will have not.. Really I'm looking for ideas.... Is centre line of pedal fulcrum behind or in front of Sevo lever? Pics would be even better...

Ben_Copeland - 1/10/03 at 04:51 PM

Added you to my msn... have pics for you

flyingkiwi - 2/10/03 at 03:57 PM

you wouldn'y be able to wing those pic's my way too? Just at that stage myself!


Ben_Copeland - 2/10/03 at 04:49 PM

YOu have U2U

Hornet - 3/10/03 at 11:33 AM

Cmon you buding experts..... there must be some ideas out there?

Ben_Copeland - 3/10/03 at 11:37 AM

COs your using a servo... it's best to mount it much lower.... so the pedals are best floor mounted. Throw the pedal box away, if your gonna try the servo route.

Otherwise it's going to be tight for the steering column !

Ben_Copeland - 3/10/03 at 11:50 AM

Just found this..... might interest you ?!!?!