Right.... I've got a Mk1 Escort Pedal Box(modified now) in the car, but the mk1 Master Cylinder is no good for SVA.
So please can someone suggest a Master Cylinder.... I've heard a Sierra one (92mm between holes???) would like a M/C with 4 outlets tho
Also, where can i get a bias adjuster from (car in scrappy) I've heard Fiat Uno ?? Any info on year/models of different cars?!
Is the connection between master cylinder and pedal easy enough ?
Sorry for all the questions, I've looked through the previous posts and its a little confusing with all different info all over the place and no
one seems to use the escort box ?!?!?!
not a scrappy, but rally design do an adjust bar for £20-30. I have a sierra master cylinder if you want it? or rally design sell loads of
girling/wilwwod ones, one of which must be compatible!
Cheers Ned. I'll probably have it off you
Was hoping to get one from breakers.... so i'll hold up on calling Rally design just yet lol
FIAT UNO valve.
Ben they are all the same AFAIK.
Ta Bob..... just have to find a Fiat Uno now lol
Any idea where in the car they are mounted ???
[Edited on 2/10/03 by Ben_Copeland]
Don't bother trying to rip one out of the car. They cost £15 from GGB in Bradford no. is 01274733727
If you really want to try its under back seat and near back axle. But expect a dirty rusty mess that you can't guarantee to work properly.
It's FIAT after all !!
Thanks !
I'll keep that in mind
Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
So please can someone suggest a Master Cylinder....
Also, where can i get a bias adjuster from?
Would a mk1 non-servo m/c have the electronic level thing ???
Gonna go for a fiat bias adjuster !
Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
Would a mk1 non-servo m/c have the electronic level thing ???
you know what i meant
A level indicator that isn't looking at the level on the reserviour by eye !!!!