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Bolt size
scutter - 31/10/03 at 08:46 AM

Quick question for you gents,

What size and strength are the larger bolts on a cortina ball joint?

Cheers Dan.

Fast Westie - 31/10/03 at 09:43 AM

Standard M12s, 30mm long, i.e. 8.8 grade

scutter - 31/10/03 at 09:53 AM

Cheers Westie, thought they were higher strength for some reason.


craig1410 - 31/10/03 at 01:02 PM

The large ones are 8.8 and the smaller ones are 10.9 in the kit I got from Lolocost. I'm not sure if this is standard or not but may explain why you though they were higher grade.

scutter - 31/10/03 at 07:43 PM

That could well explain it.

Cheers Gents


Mark Allanson - 31/10/03 at 09:57 PM

I bought 10.9 for both sizes, for the extra 30p for 4 bolts, it gives a little extra peace of mind

type 907 - 1/11/03 at 12:54 AM

If you can keep your head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are probably using 10.9's.