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Prices on Brake hoses
RoadkillUK - 3/12/03 at 05:18 PM

I was shopping for some brake hoses and emailed some potential suppliers.
Thought I'd share the prices with you. I'll edit the 'Non replies' if/when I get them.


I'm looking for a quote for a pair of front brake hoses for my Locost.

The connectors are as follows..
Straight male bulkhead on one end with a straight male convex seat on the
other with a length of 440mm. One end is for the Cortina caliper and the
other is to connect to a 'standard' rigid brake pipe.

Braided hoses with Nickel Fittings
£10.45 each (doesn't mention VAT)
Goodridge hoses
£34.48 incl. VAT (both lines)
No reply as yet.
Braided hoses
Zinc plated steel fittings £10.50 per line.
Stainless steel fittings £15.75 per line.
Postage £1.75
All prices are subject to vat.
The price per hose will probably be £12 plus VAT providing the fittings are standard but I will confirm it with Goodridge before they make them.
"Thanks for the enquiry, If you can forward the @ Make,Model and
Year of manufacture I will contact Goodridge and they will be able to
advise us of the correct hoses."

Updated with reply from automec

[Edited on 4/12/03 by RoadkillUK]

bob - 3/12/03 at 05:29 PM

Have a go at

Ben_Copeland - 3/12/03 at 05:54 PM

This is my next thing to get.. so i'm interested too, except to go on a Sierra front hub.

think Lolocost do them too ????

[Edited on 3/12/03 by Ben_Copeland]

Northy - 3/12/03 at 06:18 PM

Try Rally Design. But you'll have to ring them, I've heard they're not too hot at answering emails.

ChrisW - 3/12/03 at 06:28 PM

Got mine from BSR. Very impressed with the service. Pay the extra quid to get the clear covers for the lines - will make cleaning easier when it's all finished!


RoadkillUK - 3/12/03 at 06:57 PM

I've ordered mine from BSR and I have ordered the clear covers, £2 each apparently.

The fittings are the same for the Sierra as they are for 'my' cortina calipers (I know because I thought I'd try original Sierra hoses, too short)

stephen_gusterson - 3/12/03 at 07:03 PM

got mine from merlin

helpful people nicely made items

