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Wanted, Bullit 4 speed Ford Box
Fifer - 12/7/05 at 09:35 AM

Anyone have a 4 speed Bullit box in good nick ?

Fozzie - 12/7/05 at 11:05 PM

Yes thanks!..


err, no, its not for sale

donut - 12/7/05 at 11:12 PM

You got him all excited then Foz!!!

ooops i have done it now.. D'oh!

Fozzie - 12/7/05 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by donut
You got him all excited then Foz!!!

ooops i have done it now.. D'oh!

Fifer - 13/7/05 at 02:39 PM

Very helpfull
Cheers !

KAD - 15/7/05 at 06:37 AM

How does one (gone all Lardie Da sorry)
Tell if its a bullit /rocket ect I have a 4 speed in my car and a spair one

Fifer - 15/7/05 at 11:10 PM

Now found one, thanks.
You can tell by the fact that the bell housing is seperate but in my case, by looking at burton book picrtures

Fozzie - 15/7/05 at 11:34 PM

Thats the best way to tell!
Glad you found one fifer, they are getting a bit thin on the ground!

ATB Fozzie