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Windows 7 - 32 or 64 bit?
Jasper - 12/12/09 at 10:50 AM

Sorry, I don't really understand this one. I want to upgrade my home machine from Vista to 7 as Vista is a bit shit.

So, should I go for 32 or 64 bit? My machine is quite high spec, new Asus motherboard being fitted today, Quad core intel processor, 4MG of Ram, new Nvidia GTX graphics card. Mostly used for games and managing and playing HD movies.

vinny1275 - 12/12/09 at 10:58 AM

Use 64-bit. 32-bit windows won't use more than 3Gig of the RAM, so you can upgrade x64 in the future.....

yellow melos - 12/12/09 at 11:00 AM

Should not really make that much difference to be honest.

but if you run the 64bit version and then run a 32bit app, it will run but in a kind of emulated mode....

basically it means this will not run as fast... weather it will be a noticeable difference or not is another question.

i have managed to run a 16bit program in windows 7 with no problems.

but windows 7 runs so much faster than vista anyway any slowdown would be more than made up by the increased performace of windows 7.

personally.. i would go with the 64 Bit version as you will be future proofing your self.

also games use Direct-X that i don't think would be affected by the 32/64 bit app emulation.

hope that helps

Jasper - 12/12/09 at 11:08 AM

Cheers guys

britishtrident - 12/12/09 at 12:19 PM

32 bit Windows 7 Home Basic through to Windows 7 Ultimate has a memory limit of 4gb

flak monkey - 12/12/09 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
32 bit Windows 7 Home Basic through to Windows 7 Ultimate has a memory limit of 4gb

That is all system memory and graphics memory. So if you have a 512mb graphics card you will only be able to use a max of 3.5gb of RAM.

Its always worth using 64 bit OS. There arent any compatability problems with 32bit programs any more, so it makes no sense to limit yourself on RAM for the sake of installing a 64bit OS.

Jasper - 12/12/09 at 01:16 PM

That's worth knowing - just got a new 896? Nvidia GTX card (it's bloody HUGE, only just fits in the case) so need to use all the available RAM I can.

Where would I be without you lot .....