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schumacher bashing
skydivepaul - 2/8/10 at 10:47 AM

After yesterdays hungarian GP incident i thought it would be appropriate for a bit of MS bashing. Made me laugh

blatantly ripped off from twitter - Schubastard
linky twitter

Michael Schumacher once ran up to an owl and kicked it like a rugby ball

Michael Schumacher has a voodoo doll. OF HIS MUM.

BREAKING NEWS: Key to Michael not being poo is Pirelli making tyres for him in 2011. How very 1995.

When Michael Schumacher goes to a shopping mall, he wears Heelies AND a hoodie.

Michael Shumacher told Vettel that you are not allowed to get too close behind the safety car any more

invented the grid places penalty so he'd have more cars to ram off the road...

Schumacher to be penalised ten grid places at Spa. Hence, he will start from 26th.

McDonalds only persist with putting gherkins in burgers because Michael Schumacher likes them #schubastard

Michael Schumacher always gets the toy from the cereal

Schumacher farted in an elevator full of kids and said it was Rubinho

scootz - 2/8/10 at 11:39 AM

I was one of the first to give him a forum 'kicking' for his squeeze on Rubens, but I was thinking about it some more last night...

None of the great drivers EVER allowed anyone to pass them easily... either by adopting clever defensive tactics or just by being gnarly b*stards and putting on the mega-squeeze when their opponent was driving a clearly faster car.

I suppose there's an argument to be had that Schumi (or Schub*stard if you will) was just re-affirming a statement... pass me at your peril!

Had he pulled that move 10 years ago, then no one would have blinked. Think of the other 'greats'... Senna is the first to spring to mind and he wouldn't have thought twice about pulling a similar move!

I think the furore is greater here because Schumi is suffering from mid-grid mediocrity these days and there's a suggestion that perhaps the mid to back teams shouldn't be mixing it so hard. Especially not a 'washed-up' former champ who's taking a seat that could be filled with a promising Young Gun!

But why!?

What's the point in turning up if you're not going to compete for every inch of tarmac!

Rubens could easily have got himself out of the danger-zone by applying his brakes... he didn't... he chose to keep his foot pinned to the floor and go for the (diminishing) gap. And good on him for doing so! That's the sort of thing the punters want to see!

I can't believe I've just made a supportive statement for Schumi... who'da thunk it!?

Irony - 2/8/10 at 11:55 AM

I agree with the ^^^^^. Ruebens could have applied the brakes to get out of it.

Don't get me wrong I hate 'old big head' as my father calls him. But he foremost a F1 driver and he wouldn't have won seven world championships unless he was a very competitive person. Senna did way worse in his day.

I think that F1 has become a rather tame sport compared to its former 'glory' years. As mentioned by Coultard, what happened to the gentlemen daredevils of yesteryear when teammates were actually mates and one would get out of his car to let the other drive? What happened to interesting technologies that made the cars differ and inspired designers to push the boundries? I am sure eight wheeled cars vs trikes etc would be much more interesting. Now the cars all look the same and more or less perform the same.

I just think its become a over regulated, money driven, marketing exercise advertising event.

And I miss Murrey.

skydivepaul - 2/8/10 at 12:22 PM

I agree that it is over regulated and there is a rule for everything. most of the rules are good but there are plenty of marginal rules as well. the rule for vettel getting a drive through for leaving too much gap behind the safey car was a joke.

Very true schumacher was / is ruthless and every inch a racing. still a B****d though

( i remember the damon Hill / Schumacher era and i was obviously a damon Hill supporter)

True also, looking back at the "great" racing drivers, Senna was mentioned. Brilliant driver but a complete ruthless TW@T. didnt give a crap about anything except for winning.

carpmart - 3/8/10 at 10:19 AM

I have been club racing for several years and that maneuverer on Barachello was just ridiculously dangerous!

Hellfire - 3/8/10 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by skydivepaul
True also, looking back at the "great" racing drivers, Senna was mentioned. Brilliant driver but a complete ruthless TW@T. didnt give a crap about anything except for winning.

That's not quite true. Take Spa 92 when Senna pulled up mid race and jumped out to help Eric Comas after he had an horiffic accident. Eric insists that Ayrton Senna saved his life that day......

Senna was a true legend. Schumacher is a close second..........


MikeR - 3/8/10 at 11:26 AM

Ok, so its ok to put your opposition into the wall / onto the grass........

err ....... no.

If you've got the slower car you defend, leave space and accept you've lost. If Sch's reactions / car were fast enough he could have blocked the over take on that side by moving sooner, he didn't therefore has to leave room to let him pass.

omega 24 v6 - 3/8/10 at 11:31 AM


Schumacher is a close second..........

Highly dubious statement given the past histories of Stewart, Hill, Clark, Fangio, Moss, etc.
I'd say in his day he was good BUT Like his grid position will be in Spa next month He is far from being second.

skydivepaul - 3/8/10 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Originally posted by skydivepaul
True also, looking back at the "great" racing drivers, Senna was mentioned. Brilliant driver but a complete ruthless TW@T. didnt give a crap about anything except for winning.

That's not quite true. Take Spa 92 when Senna pulled up mid race and jumped out to help Eric Comas after he had an horiffic accident. Eric insists that Ayrton Senna saved his life that day......


give you that one Phil

David Jenkins - 3/8/10 at 03:00 PM

The first article is very relevant (at the time I posted this...)


Hellfire - 3/8/10 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Ok, so its ok to put your opposition into the wall / onto the grass........

err ....... no.

Don't be such a drama queen, he didn't put Rubens into the wall. He didn't even put him on the grass. In fact, when he realised that Rubens was heading for the green slippery stuff, Schumacher swerved to the left to avoid doing so. That's the compassionate guy he is. I've seen other F1 legends do far worse....................


[Edited on 3-8-10 by Hellfire]

RK - 4/8/10 at 01:08 AM

He isn't used to people catching up to him and passing. How many people have successfully passed the guy in all these years? Villeneuve is one.

scootz - 4/8/10 at 09:46 AM

Hakkinen and Coulthard did... in fact I recall DC going around Schumi at the Magny-Cours hairpin and still having time to flash the finger at him!

Rob Palin - 7/8/10 at 04:48 PM

Schumacher tried to close the door and continued to squeeze on a straight and with the chasing car already partially overlapped with him - that's both against the rules and very unsporting.

For those that say the greats are ruthless, that's just not true. Senna is more of an exception than a rule. Clark, Moss, Stewart, Fangio etc were all known to be scrupulously fair. Even Gilles Villeneuve, as fierce a competitor as he was, still wasn't considered unsporting.

It's true that Schumacher's driving ethics filter down the ladder and makes racing more dangerous than it needs to be to be exciting. I've been squeezed up against the pit wall at Snetterton, tightly enough to make the people on it jump backwards, and it's not fun for anyone involved.

Saying the other driver should just brake to avoid an accident misses the point that it's the driver making the aggressive and unfair move who should be discouraged, not the other way around.

Peteff - 7/8/10 at 05:41 PM

I always remember Schumacher and Damon Hill in the 94 Australian GP when he cut Hill and crashed accidentally to win the championship which he tried again on Villeneuve in 97. Another incident was blocking the track at Monaco during qualifying. Has any other driver had so many incidents ?