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Feeling brave?
David Jenkins - 5/3/13 at 03:29 PM

steve m - 5/3/13 at 03:40 PM

I watched that at work a couple of weeks ago, and havnt got the stomach to watch it again

Confused but excited. - 5/3/13 at 06:05 PM

If you like excitement, all you need is an old bike, a ghetto and really huuuge balls, or maybe a lobotomy.

JoelP - 5/3/13 at 10:00 PM

Watched it earlier, amazing. How big is that f****** hill?! Seems to keep on going down, half expected him to pass the devil at some point.

StevenB - 5/3/13 at 11:58 PM

Jesus. That first big jump.
Actually leant back in my chair looking for the landing ramp.
Bearings of steel.

Simon - 15/3/13 at 10:10 PM

I ride down steps - but I don't (er, can't/wouldn't etc) jump between flights



RK - 17/3/13 at 02:31 AM

It illustrates exactly why I quit downhill racing, although that looked like a lot of fun! It was becoming more and more dangerous, in order to show how "exciting" it can be for spectators, not safe for the riders. It is no longer about the fastest, just the craziest. That is not racing to me.