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Test your senses
Peteff - 17/5/06 at 10:36 PM

Have a go at the bbc challenge. I got 20/20.

On my third go. Link

Browser - 18/5/06 at 08:35 AM

9/20 first go

Marcus - 18/5/06 at 08:19 PM

12, First go. Some silly mistakes though!


graememk - 18/5/06 at 10:01 PM

9 but some questions i really didnt think about right like the what is she saying one, will do it soaber tomorrow

Messenjah - 19/5/06 at 10:16 AM

19/20 on first go got the one about most sensitive to touch wrong

iank - 19/5/06 at 10:49 AM

14/20 on the first go.
would have been 15, but the touchpad on the laptop isn't as quick as a mouse and I just ran out of time on the coloured words one.

donut - 19/5/06 at 03:41 PM


Marlon - 20/5/06 at 05:37 PM

I feel ashamed... I got 9 on the first go which wasn't bad but then I only got 19 imediatley after.