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Full-bodied Locost?
gsand - 22/11/03 at 09:02 AM

Just wondering if its ever been done, as in a complete f/g body over a Locost chassis.

Its just that i'm thinking of endless possibilities for my new car, and considering just dropping a body similar to a Quantum Napier over a widened, lenghted Locost.

Hugh Paterson - 22/11/03 at 09:43 AM

Mmmmmm great minds think alike, wuz contemplating the very same subject the other day, had thought of the lotus 11 type body but looks a bit "old hat". I have a vision but not got space to do the jig yet for the plug yet I need to clear some space and move some boat moulds about a bit, but its on the list of things to do 2004. However I suspect to get the proportions looking right the car might need to be a wee bit longer. Then again when ya look at the Lmp lookalikes why bother going to all that trouble it might just be as well with a fresh sheet of

MikeR - 22/11/03 at 10:07 AM

Could i suggest checking out darrens Courgar Racing Web Site- he's selling the triton lotus 11 type body.

chrisg - 22/11/03 at 11:55 AM

The WLR is built on a modified MK Indy chassis




Hugh Paterson - 22/11/03 at 02:14 PM

Chris and Mike
Looked at them already, nice as the 11 is its still dated, and notwithstanding the cost of producing a decent plug/mould I HATE buying someone elses stuff if I think I can do it myself. The trick is a) finding the time b) producing somthing that make u go instead of a big bit of jobbie u all laugh at

greggors84 - 22/11/03 at 06:05 PM

Depends the reason u want people to go

The onyx fastcat in Novs Which Kit certainly made me go . Probably not for the right reason!

Stu16v - 22/11/03 at 06:16 PM

A car that has fell out of the ugly tree, and hit every branch on the way down.


Hugh Paterson - 22/11/03 at 06:35 PM

No kidding, thats NOT the jawdropping look I want

Simon - 22/11/03 at 11:09 PM

Can't believe they've actually sold any of these

Was hoping we'd seen the last of that car!



gsand - 23/11/03 at 11:12 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
The WLR is built on a modified MK Indy chassis





ThaT is SOOOOOO nice!!!!

Right then, I think im set on my new design.... Locost 8" wider, 4" longer with a copy of the WLR bodywork

(BTW, ive sort of come to the conclusion that a full Le Mans replica is just too much for the street, because that is mainly what my car will be used for..

ned - 24/11/03 at 10:57 AM

I found this pic a while back, don't have any more details than whats in the pic. the body is apparantly dropped over a standard westfield chassis (which isn't too different from a locost)


full bodied westfield
full bodied westfield

Hugh Paterson - 24/11/03 at 04:33 PM

Possibly somthing they knocked up to try and sell some for the sports 2000 series, looks good though dont know how robust it would be in use.

[Edited on 24/11/03 by Hugh Paterson]

Noodle - 24/11/03 at 08:54 PM


Not only does it look like a steaming pile of freshly excreted shyte, it's front wheel drive. Poor thing. Never stood a chance.

The design deities were clearly angered that day and decided to wreak a viscious, painful and sadistic revenge on mankind. Designed by beating plasticine with a shitty stick.


chrisg - 24/11/03 at 11:35 PM

Come on Noodle, off the fence, do you like it or not???

